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As we grow, our risk appetite slowly goes down and we end up contemplating with a lot of “what ifs” in our mind. This could lead to a lot of unhappiness if you are not doing what you really fell like doing! In this short post, Vishwas Mudagal tells you why you should probably take that leap of faith now!

People usually ask me ‘How do I know my idea will succeed?’ or ‘Which idea should I pursue?’

They are afraid whether they would waste time on a bad endeavour or end up failing, which I admit is natural. Well, there is no definite way to tell your idea or plan would succeed. No plan or idea is fool proof, there is always a risk of failure.

This holds good both in professional & personal life. As a rule, I have practiced one thing—whenever an idea gives me sleepless nights, it’s worth giving a shot. This has always been my mantra. It might be nothing or it might be something, you never know.

But just because a thought or idea has the potential to keep your mind awake at nights thinking about how to convert it into reality is proof enough that you should pursue it. This holds good for everyone.

It could be a business idea, a movie script or a novel, a journey across the country, expressing your love to someone special or asking forgiveness from someone you have hurt. If you have to do it, you got to do it.

Bottom line- Don’t live a life of regrets. You might fail or succeed, but if you don’t give it a shot, you might never be the man or woman you should ultimately become.  Anything that gets your blood racing, is probably worth doing!

Hope this gives you the much needed motivation to follow your dreams!

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