In News! Best-selling author Vishwas Mudagal’s interview in Being Woman magazine’s latest edition (in the ‘He Says’ section)! In this riveting...
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I take this opportunity to thank all my readers and supporters. Your love for my debut novel ‘Losing My Religion,’ which is now a best-seller, has only...
Watch one of the most captivating and straight-to-the-heart TEDx talks ever, delivered by Vishwas Mudagal, the author of best-seller ‘Losing My Religion’—...
Vishwas Mudagal, author of the bestselling novel Losing My Religion, was covered widely by media during his visit to Guwahati, Assam. Right from television channels...
In news! Vishwas Mudagal, the bestselling author and GoodWorkLabs– on the front page of Kannada newspaper Kittur Karnataka! The headline says “Gadag’s...
Bestselling author and entrepreneur, Vishwas Mudagal inaugurated the Second National Youth Conference as a Chief Guest for Youth 2025 at Jaipuria Institute of Management...
This is an icing on the cake of the rocking 2014! Vishwas Mudagal, best-selling author of the blockbuster novel of 2014, was on the cover page of the Deccan...
In News! Herald Goa interviews Vishwas Mudagal.
“The Storyteller: Vishwas Mudagal converses about his book, Losing My Religion”
Check out the interview.
In news! Covered in CII Communique – October edition. Here are the excerpts. “Yi Guwahati organised an interactive session with Mr Vishwas Mudagal, CEO &...
Here’s some exciting news! Best-selling author of ‘Losing My Religion’ Vishwas Mudagal will be speaking at the Goa Arts & Literary Festival 2014...