>‘How great would it be if I knew everything about my job before I joined?’‘Can I know the salary standards of company X to negotiate a better salary package?’‘Do I fit...
Author - admin
>A BusinessWeek artcile talks about the impact of social and professional networks on recruitments around the world. Check Also, I found interesting statistics on the...
This is the only way to survive in Bangalore at present!
> It’s getting blogged live. Catch it on: Update: I read it live on Engadget and TechCrunch (TechCrunch was not up to the mark, Engadget did great reporting) Few...
>Yahoo.com is bigger than Google.com in both India and US, in terms of traffic, as reported by Alexa. Although Google.com and Google.co.in are ranked 2 and 3, they may...
>Happy new year folks! Have a great tech year ahead…. This is my first post in 2008, I am feeling lazy because of hectic partying! 😉So, for now..I will just give...
>According to Dr. T R Madan Mohan, Director-Consulting, Information Communication & Technology Practice-Frost & Sullivan, India, out of the $ 27.4 million annual...
>India’s tech entrepreneurial hub Bangalore is also the country’s mobile phone based startup hub. Almost every week a new startup rises in stealth mode. The...
>Jim Collins is by far the best know teacher of enduring great companies – how they grow, how they attain superior performance, and how good companies can become...