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Author - admin

Motorola: End of a Giant?

In the second quarter, Motorola likely lost its No. 2 position in global handset shipments to Samsung, expected to have shipped 38 million units to Motorola’s 36...

Google acquires Postini

Google acquires Postini! It seems to be a perfect target but the price tag of $625 million is a little too much. Postini’s services — which include message...

orkut Blog: Welcome!

At last Orkut has an official blog! Link: Here is what Orkut founder Orkut Buyukkokten (taken from post: orkut Blog: Welcome!) has to say: “It’s been more...

Age of Community Websites

I got hold of the latest (8 July 2007) edition of The Week magazine. The cover story highlights the growing popularity and addiction of community websites in India. It...

New 7 wonders: What a joke!

New 7 wonders of the world? What is this all about? I see television channels, newspapers, websites and all other media companies requesting to ‘Vote for...


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