In News! We are pleased to see best-selling author and influencer Vishwas Mudagal featured among the top 10 influential people who have made a difference in the society...
We are honoured to announce that Vishwas Mudagal, best-selling author and Co-Founder of GoodWorks group of companies (GoodWorkLabs, GoodWorks Angel Fund and GoodWorks...
Serial entrepreneur Vishwas Mudagal had a fantastic podcast talking about entrepreneurship, angel investments, books, and building a winning culture all around us in...
In news! Humbled by Outlook Magazine’s coverage — “Vishwas Mudagal’s Losing My Religion is a book that has achieved CULT STATUS” Losing My...
Well-known book review magazine Storizen reviewed the Sci-Fi Bestseller by Vishwas Mudagal, ‘The Last Avatar- Age of Kalki 1‘ – rating it 4 / 5 stars. Storizen...
Vishwas Mudagal, Shares His Views on ‘Winning is Not Everything” in the NMIMS Bangalore Podcast
Mr. Vishwas Mudagal, Co-Founder of GoodWorkLabs and GoodWorks Cowork shares his views on ‘Winning is Not Everything” in the seventh episode of NM-Broadcast...
Vishwas Mudagal, Co-founder GoodWorks Coworking Spaces got featured on Realty+ magazine
Vishwas Mudagal, Co-founder GoodWorkLabs, and GoodWorks Spaces got featured on Realty+ magazine, sharing his views on the coworking segment. During the interaction...
The Himachal Times Covers Vishwas Mudagal’s Sci-Fi Bestseller, ‘The Last Avatar – Age of Kalki 1”
The Himachal Times has covered the Sci-Fi Bestseller by Vishwas Mudagal, ‘The Last Avatar- Age of Kalki, ‘and has reviewed it as – “This is a...
‘Losing My religion’ is in news! The Pioneer covers Vishwas Mudagal’s debut best-selling novel Losing My Religion on its 7th anniversary! The book...
Radio Zindagee 90 8FM किताबें बोलती हैं | Author Vishwas Mudagal with RJ Navneet Gairola
The Master Storyteller Vishwas Mudagal was on Radio Zindagee 90.8FM with RJ Navneet Gairola on February 17, 2021 at 1 PM. Listen to know about the writing journey of the...