Vishwas, suggest me some business so that I can buy a BMW or a luxury sedan,’ got this message on Instagram from a young professional.
While there is nothing wrong in aspiring wealth & luxury, I would not recommend starting a business just to buy a fancy car or house. I understand it’s ironic because you start a business to make money, then why is it bad to make money?
The point is you never make money when you are desperate to make money. You make money when you create something of value. To create something of value, you need skill, effort, perseverance & passion. In short, if you create a product or service of value, money will follow you.
Moreover, any path that is solely guided by money or greed will take you down. It will make you take terrible decisions & shortcuts.
Bottomline: Choose a path that has a combination of passion & money. Passion without money is difficult to follow. But following money without passion is the worst.
So, this might be a long road but BMWs & all the fancy things will follow you as long as you stay true to your path.

Career Advice
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