Do you still think that number of years of experience is a reflection of your abilities and knowledge?
Unfortunately, the job market today gives importance to professionals who are enthusiastic and have a “get-things-done” attitude. Years of experience don’t matter much in comparison to an individuals energy and passion for his career.
This sudden shift in the hiring attitude has caused some tension in the middle management positions of most companies. They constantly face the fear of replacement if they fail to up-skill and re-learn new things.
Vishwas Mudagal, CEO of GoodWorkLabs shares his thoughts on how important it is to stay relevant in the workforce –
This might sound harsh, but increasingly I’m coming across scores of professionals with 8+ years of experience becoming irrelevant and obsolete in the industry workforce. Right now the way we build technology has changed, processes have changed & the way sales/marketing happens has changed. So, what this means is that unless you unlearn and relearn the new ways of the industry, you are going to be a dinosaur story.
Gone are those days when your years of experience determined how senior you were. Years of experience, age, college, gender, background, etc. don’t mean anything. What matters is how good you are at a particular skill and how updated you are with it. What matters is how you are able to communicate better and have the right attitude to make your team win. Sometimes, I see senior folks shying away from getting into the ‘details’ because it’s beneath their job description/status or are too lazy to work hard. They soon become outdated & a newbie with brilliant ideas takes their place, because he/she is able to get the job done better than anyone else.
This is a wake up call! Please look around you, & get to the bottom of everything new that is happening in your domain. Else it’s good bye time.
If you have been laid back or over confident about your job skills, then it is time you start working on them. Life is a rat race and for you to succeed, it is imperative that you re-skill and play your A-Game always!
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