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The Ruby Mania has taken over me. And that explains why I didn’t put up any posts all these days! Wondering what Ruby is? We will come to that after a bit of a flash back.

I have always been an embedded guy, writing drivers for some weird peripherals in an embedded device or designing middleware components for mobile phones. Before that I was designing some kernel modules to support a telecom platform, which would in turn support telecom routers, soft-switches and other networking gears. And before that I was actually studying flip-flops while doing my Electronics and Communications engineering. So, all-in-all it’s been a very long affair with the low-level software and hardware entities.

Enter Webosphere! And I was totally lost. All I could understand in web technologies a few days back was basic HTML. Now, I still don’t need to learn how to build database-driven websites. But, by mastering web technologies, I can really do wonders with my new business plans. This is the thing about web that fascinates me a lot – the Web gives you a level playing field to do anything and everything. It’s a window of opportunity to show the world what you are and what your ideals and dreams are. It gives you a canvas to paint your dreams and make it a reality. To take a step forward, Web 2.0 (or whatever they call it) is all about people and collective intelligence. Now, if you have an idea that simplifies or changes the world, you tell people about it, win their hearts, take their help, help them and, in the process, change the world!

Win the crowd,Proximo offers, “and you’ll win your freedom. Sounds familiar? These are the lines from one of my favorite movies, Gladiator. Proximo indirectly tells Maximus that if he has to win, he has to win the crowd. I will win the crowd. I will give them something they’ve never seen before” states Maximus. Maximus keeps up his words, wins the crowd and emerges as the victor.

If you have to win in today’s internet, you have to ‘Win the crowd!’ You have to give them something they have never seen before. And you don’t have to invent something new and complex. The greatest things in the world are the simplest too. Simple things relate and connect. Simple things win the crowd!

So, coming back to the point – I was like Alice in wonder-web-land, before a few days, knowing nothing about web dynamics, business or technologies. But, now I can confidently say that I have found my sword and armor to fight in this web-coliseum.

My armor = Ruby
My sword = Rails

Now, I have to think about how to win the crowd! But, let’s keep that aside for now.

Ruby is an interpreted, dynamically typed, pure object-oriented, scripting language for fast, easy programming. Visit http://www.ruby-lang.org/ to know more.

Ruby on Rails or just Rails is a killer open source web framework built on ruby. Visit http://www.rubyonrails.org/ to know more.

To completely understand Rails and Ruby, I recommend:
1. Agile Web Development with Rails—Second Edition
2. Rails Recipes
3. Programming Ruby
I also recommend: Pragmatic Ajax as AJAX is the crux of web 2.0 technology.

So, I will get back to my Rails study. Hopefully, by my next post, I will have my web application up and running. Yes! Rails is that Agile!


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